I'm sure that everyone knows by now that once spring comes AND we have had some good rain, I can't help but post about the garden.

Everything is starting to flourish now. We had just started to get very dry here and I was starting to get a little sad about my poor plants trying to push out their new spring growth with no moisture to support it. Some years the new growth has been scorched off....VERY SAD!

It seems by these photos that I only grow pink flowers but you can be sure that I have a garden full of every imaginable colour.

Down in the picking garden, the globe artichokes are starting to look very architectural with their deeply cut large grey leaves. It so exciting when they start to bud but I must confess that I find it very hard to pick the main bud to eat as the flowers are so miraculous. A giant purple thistle!

They do taste good though done in garlic butter. Oh the dilemma!

Yesterday I finally managed to mulch the vegetables to keep that lovely rain in the ground for a little longer. It really makes a difference especially when the temperature starts to soar.

The young bean plants are getting a real grow on now and the herbs are looking nice and fresh.
Back to the garden for me. Have a happy week, A.