Friday, August 21, 2009
Spring is upon us...
Wednesday, August 5, 2009

The afternoon that I made his cake made for an exciting one. It was like a scene out of Masterchef! I only had one and a half hours to make this triple layer, chocolate, coffee cream filled cake complete with chocolate meringues and chocolate coated strawberries. (A combination of several recipes, just to make life hard.) And I did it. The timing was crucial as I had to get the cakes in and out of the oven before I could put the meringues in for the hour they needed and yippee it all went according to plan. What a buzz! I'm sure that I'm meant to work in a restaurant or something. There is nothing better than the adrenaline rush of time pressures and everything coming together at the right time. you've all seen another side to me. I always did say that I worked better under pressure. Yes I admit it, I'm one of THOSE people that leave everything to the last minute!
A happy day to everyone,