Two very lovely people over the past couple of weeks have nominated me for two different awards and I feel very honoured indeed. Thanks so much
Cathy and
Jeanette for the very kind compliments you have given me. I'd like to say,"right back at you". I love to read both of your blogs.

I thought I would give you a bunch of flowers for your kindness- sorry they're not the real thing!

I would like to nominate Jeanette for the NICE MATTERS AWARD. Jeanette is my new friend from Sweden. She also is a very creative person and makes the most wonderful things using a combination of felting and quilting. You can just imagine how delighted I was when Jeanette recently told me she had made me this beautiful little quilt. I was so excited, I couldn't stop smiling. To think somebody that I had never met in person would do something so nice for me! Such a thoughtful friend, thank you. Jeanette is in the process of doing up an old farmhouse and is doing the best job of it. It is a pleasure to be sharing in her journey.

Now I must nominate some other blogging friends for the NICE MATTERS AWARD, so here goes...
Eleanor and Ruby- Leisa is a wonderful mother and homemaker. Her blog has beautiful photos of her new garden and thrift shop finds and is always a pleasure to read.
Rosy Inspiration is full of roses, pretty things and delicious cooking. A girl after my own heart.
It's nice to see how life is going on the "other" side of Australia.
and last but not least,
Nature, Art and Home- Andrea is a very special person who loves nature and shows great concern for the world in which we live. She is a wonderful artist who not only draws the most amazing caricatures but can draw life-like drawings of natures bounty. Real talent.