It is HOT! Not as hot as down south but hot enough to drive me outside of our little hotbox and into the garden. I have noticed over the years that the best spot in the garden on a hot day is to find the place where the blowflies and King Parrots are chilling out and this is the coolest place to sit. Don't worry, the blowflies leave you alone as they are too hot and bothered to move from their cool leaves on which they sit.
There is only one thing I feel like drinking when it's hot and that I'm afraid to say, is icy cool, coola cordial.REFRESHING! Makes me feel like a kid again.It just hits the spot.

It so lovely out under the trees. I have a few bird baths in the area and so there is the constant twittering of a variety of little and medium sized birds. Even the Eastern Yellow Robin came to visit today. I can also hear something that probably isn't quite as appealing as the dear little birds.....something slithering. As the dogs try to sleep the heat off, they keep an ear tilted in that direction.
Is there a favourite spot of yours to sit and create, sew, read, ponder....
A happy week to everyone and thankyou for your very lovely comments, they are much appreciated and enjoyed,