A change IS as good as a holiday. The healing powers of a fresh coat of paint never ceases to amaze me. We (John, Erica and I) have spent the last week painting Sam and Erica's bedrooms. It feels so much better. Erica went for an all white theme and Sam decided on green. He was actually wanting BLACK (would you believe it!) but I assured him that it was my house too and I could not....under ANY circumstances....come at that-YUK!
The painting was going alright by day four after having to replace windowsills and trim that had been made out of very unsuitable MDF but was much harder than I had anticipated. I think the dry heat didn't help. To cut a long story short, Dad who's a painter by trade and a very fast and efficient one at that, came to the rescue- yet again. In one day (a short one at that) he had transformed our meagre attempts into a masterpiece. SO QUICK! He not only did the final coat on Erica's room but did all the rolling in Sam's room and he redid all the trims and the cupboard doors. Yey!
So, just wanted to say,
Thanks Dad, we really appreciate you and what you have done for us.