I cannot describe Mother's Day as anything other than beautiful. I was lucky enough to have both of my mums- mine and John's mum- at our place for mother's day. The weather was glorious...you know, the sort that makes you feel like crying with sheer joy and delight. It always makes me feel nostalgic. Reminding me of the times as a child when I would just stand and marvel at how wonderful everything was, and still is, that God has created. Skies of deepest blue...my words could never do it justice but I am sure you know what I mean.

A very beautiful bunch of red roses appeared on my bed at the crack of dawn. John is always too excited to wait until there is enough light to actually see them. So sweet!
My very thoughtful and clever Erica made me a lovely mother's day breakfast of pancakes, jam and cream. Delicious! And, I was given some more very nice gifts from all of the kids.

There is such a soft light in the garden at the moment. The light that arrives with Autumn and disappears about the first month of spring. It seems to bring out the colour in everything and makes all the textures stand out more.

There's something so very nice about rusty metal, especially if it is on white.

I have a love/hate relationship with terracota. Sometimes I find the strong orangey, earthy tones a little too much but I think once it has aged and become mottled with green and white it is much nicer. I sometimes paint some white on the pots to speed up the process.

A splendid week to everyone and don't forget to stop and soak up all the beauty around you, Angela.