I am afraid that I have been absent due to computer problems. It still isn't fixed but I have now sorted myself out with programs and things so I can use my son's computer and finally get to post. I think I am just lucky that my son has a computer. A working one at that!
I'm sure many of you thought that my 41st birthday resolution was to never blog again.

Thankyou so much everybody for all the lovely birthday wishes. It really made my birthday special to hear from everybody including some "new" bloggers as well.

I found this dear ol' turkey in our garden one lovely Autumn day just after we'd had a much appreciated drop of rain. I had heard him gobbling over yonder for a couple of months but I guess he had decided to see what the wide world had to offer. He found his way to our chook pen where he was very keen to join our feathered family. Unfortunately when I tried to introduce him to the chooks, geese and duck,he felt the need to assert himself so he was quickly tossed out of the pen. I'm sad to say that this was his demise as when we were away for a couple of days something saw fit to make a meal of him....poor fellow. We never did find out who owned him. We were preparing to do a letter drop when we returned from the coast but I don't think anyone would have wanted him back in that condition!

Ah it's good to be back. Stay happy, Angela.