Hello everyone! Such a long time since we've had a chat!
I have been spending an awful lot of time at my little desk making charms in readiness for the shop opening which is now just around the corner. Only a couple of weeks!
It's funny though, the more charms I make , the more I want to make. It is such an enjoyable thing to do. Just as I'm finishing one group of charms I'm already thinking of what ideas that I can come up with for the next.

I haven't been just working though. I have been enjoying the garden immensely. After all it is Spring (all be it the last month). I am so pleased with the garden this year as I managed to get more flowers to grow. Such an arduous task when there hasn't been much rain. I think we have had 90mm in the last 6 months!!! Horrifying! I must have carted thousands of watering can loads of water over these past 6 months to get the flowers to grow and survive.

It is a labour of love. Just to see foxgloves, cornflowers, poppies and hollyhocks flowering is so worth it.

I have also strategically positioned a couple of bird baths where I can see them from my rocking chair when I'm sitting on the

It has been such a joy to see the large variety and number of birds that frequent them. As the surrounding bush gets extremely dry I'm afraid my meagre little birdbaths are the main water supply for many birds. Even the shy emerald doves have paid me a visit. It is so nice to know that I am helping the wild birds through this dry time.

A happy week to everyone.